
Do you ever wonder what happened to your week?

Are your days completely filled but when you look at your time tracker you’ve actually only done 3 hours of billable work?

This was a big reality check for me – I soon realised that my productivity skills needed to be upskilled!

Productivity is making actual progress and getting real work done within a given amount of time.

It’s just me in this business so I need to do all things and still be present for my family (which is why I started the business in the first place) so figuring out how to get it all done in a limited amount of time has been a top priority.

There are so many tips and tricks to help make the most out of your day, but here are my Top 10 that I’ve found to be the most useful for me.

Now, before I jump into my Top 10, I should say that not all of these will work for everyone. Pick a couple and give them a try. We all work differently so find some that will work for you.

Productivity is a skill; sometimes it needs to be learned from a beginner level. Start slow and practice improving each day.

#1 Wake up early

 I have always been able to wake up early and after having my two children I don’t get much say in the matter now, anyway!  

I am much more productive first thing in the morning and find that by 3 pm my brain is switching off so I do the bigger, more important tasks first and then the fluffier, fun stuff in the afternoon.

Try setting your alarm and starting your day an hour earlier to see what a difference it can make to your day.

When you start working on a new task or project for a client always ask what the deadline is and plan out your week to successfully meet that deadline.

#2 Time block

I was recently told that most brains can only concentrate on a task for 1.5 hours max and I certainly have to agree. Although as everyone is different, some people find that spending an hour on one task is all they can do and for others it might be longer.

Blocking out time in the diary for a certain amount of time on one task helps you to stay focused and therefore more productive.

Which brings me nicely to my next tip….

#3 Single Tasking

 Single-tasking i.e. focusing on one task at a time can make you up to 80% more productive than splitting your attention across multiple tasks.

When you fully focus on a single task you are more likely to get in a state of flow, feel less stress, and enjoy the work you are doing, therefore, becoming more productive!

#4 Pick 3 Tasks

You might have a list of 10 or 20 tasks but you will probably find yourself jumping from task to another and not focusing on any causing your brain to feel overwhelmed.  

Instead, pick your Top 3 tasks you really want to accomplish, these should be the biggest needle movers for your business – i.e. the tasks that will have the biggest impact on your business.

You might not complete all 3 but that is okay, even completing one will be helping to move your business forward.

#5 Break your 3 Tasks Down

Those 3 tasks you picked are probably 3 big tasks. So, to stop the overwhelm break them down into smaller, more manageable pieces. Add bullet points underneath each task and list what you need to do to get to the end result. 

For example, if one of your Top 3 tasks is to complete your Social Media planning for the month. Breaking it down in to smaller tasks might look like this:

  • Adding topics to your Content Pillars
  • Researching those topics
  • Creating images
  • Writing the copy for each post
  • Adding them to your scheduler
  • Scheduling your posts.

When all of these smaller tasks are complete, I have completed ONE of my Top 3 for the day.

By structuring your tasks like this, you will be more focused, relaxed and intentional.

#6 Know your deadlines

When you start working on a new task or project for a client always ask what the deadline is and plan out your week to successfully meet that deadline.

Use the time blocking tip to help schedule your week!

When all of these smaller tasks are complete, I have completed ONE of my Top 3 for the day.

By structuring your tasks like this, you will be more focused, relaxed and intentional.

#7 Use a Time Tracker

I use Toggl to track my client time so I can accurately bill my time, but I also use it to track my whole day to see what I am doing throughout my day/week.

Tracking my time allows me to identify the activities that are misusing, or wasting my time.

But remember – turn off the tracker once you have finished one task and re-set it for the next one!

#8 Stop checking your emails

Emails suck up so much of your daily time. Stop being a slave to it. It makes you become reactive rather than proactive! 

Close your email down whilst you are working on a task. Knowing that an email is sitting there unread will distract you as your brain will keep thinking about it.

Allocate 15-minute intervals during the day to go into your email, check them and respond where necessary.

#9 Turn off your notifications

Following on from Tip #7 – Turn off notifications on your computer and phone. Turn your phone to Aeroplane mode or better yet, put it in another room to stop yourself getting distracted!

#10 Have a clean desk

My final tip is to have a clean workspace.

There’s nothing more distracting than a messy desk.

Maintaining a tidy work area is crucial if I want to get things done. Otherwise, you are likely to find yourself wanting to organise it whilst you are trying to work plus you need a clean space to function at your best.

At the end of the day – tidy your desk up ready for the next day.

Bonus tip – Shutdown

Turn your laptop off at the end of the day. This is not so much of a productivity tip but shutting down gives you a set end to the day and gives your unconscious a signal that it’s okay, you can relax now.

If you need to work or do coursework in the evening, then schedule in one or two nights a week to do that.

Final Thoughts

There you have it – my top 10 tips plus an extra bonus tip to get you working at peak productivity and manage your time like the boss you are!

By taking these tips on board, you’ll be amazed by what you can accomplish!

I would love to hear your thoughts on these tips and please share any you might have that you use to help increase your productivity!