
Is this you?

Your small business is growing, you’re hustling, you’re grinding, you are doing it all.

You are up before the sun, the last to go to bed and taking on every role in your business. The CEO, CFO, marketing director, advertising manager, customer service manager, it is all you.  Sound familiar?

As your business grows and in turn, the demands on your time grow you find the systems that you originally put together will start to fall apart. The hours get longer as you try to keep all the balls in the air. As you reach full capacity you feel like you are spending less time with your family, when time freedom is one of the reasons you started your own business! Juggling all this on your own causes you to start missing deadlines, missing meetings and not feeling as prepared as you would like to be. You find yourself starting to accept “close enough is good enough” and that doesn’t sit well with you.

Now you feel overworked, overwhelmed and just plain over it?

Constantly working, trying to get on top of it all…This is Mt Burn-Out!


How do you conquer Mt Burn-Out?

To conquer Mt Burn-Out you need to change what is no longer working for you. You need to step into and embrace your CEO role!

Spend less time working IN your business and more time working ON your business.

CEOs do not fill every role within their company. They hire staff with specific knowledge and experience to handle the various departments. While you might not be looking to hire permanent employees you can outsource administrative and technical support tasks and use your most valuable asset, time, elsewhere.

You can outsource tasks such as:

  • Course creation using Teachable or Kajabi
  • Dubsado setup /support
  • CRM setup /maintenance
  • Email marketing setup /maintenance
  • Monthly newsletters
  • Website maintenance
  • Podcast support
  • Document creation – Word /Powerpoint
  • Graphic Design using Canva
  • Calendar management
  • Inbox management
  • Customer support
  • Blog posts
  • Plus much more…

Outsourcing these tasks would allow you to take on more clients and increase your prices as you can offer more value. You can also expand your business or start a second stream of income as you are no longer swamped by daily processes or paperwork.

Look to the horizon!

You don’t have to do it alone. 

Let’s conquer Mt Burn-Out together!

Reach out to Cultivate Business Support Services today and say goodbye to overwhelm.

You’ll thank yourself as you’ll enjoy more time, more money and endless possibilities!