
From CRM tools to scheduling apps, there’s no doubt that living in the digital age has given us an abundance of tools to help us through business. But if you find yourself signing up to every new program or platform that launches, without using them, you could be a victim of Shiny Object Syndrome. Read on to see if you’re a sufferer and learn what you can do to overcome the appeal of hypes and fads.

How to know if you’ve got Shiny Object Syndrome

Do your eyes light up every time you see a business-related app in the “new” section of the app store? Do you immediately hit the sign-up button when someone recommends a CRM platform or design app? If you find yourself signing up to every new platform to launch… but you’re not actually using them, I’m afraid you might have Shiny Object Syndrome!

Just like magpies who snap up every shiny object they find, those in business often succumb to whatever the latest and greatest business platform is. With new programs and apps hitting the market every day, it’s easy to get caught up in the hype and sign up to everything you see… but if they’re not actually helping your business, what’s the point?  

Is signing up to new platforms a bad thing?

I’m not saying that signing up to new programs and apps is a bad thing. In fact, if you’ve read my latest blog post on Dubsado, you’ll know just how much I love a good organisational platform! The problem with Shiny Object Syndrome is that if you sign up to every new thing, you’ll waste valuable resources that could be put to better use.

Not only are you wasting money in sign-up fees and subscriptions, you’re also wasting time in signing up, setting up and then sifting through the promotional materials that you’ll inevitably get in your inbox. If you’re not careful with which programs you use, suddenly the latest and greatest platform promising to save you time and money is actually costing you time and money.

How to move past the hype

Ok, so I know you’re asking, if you’re not supposed to sign up to everything, then what do you sign up for?  Here are my tips for when to say ‘yay’ and when to say ‘nay’.

#1 Do your research

Take some time to see if the platform is actually beneficial to you and your business. Learn its features, read some reviews and make sure you understand any costs involved before signing up.

#2 Suss out the competition

If you’re not 100% sold on a service, look around for alternatives. There will always be competitors in the apps and program field, so just because it’s the latest doesn’t mean it’s the greatest.

#3 Don’t give in to the hype of something new

As the adage goes, “if it’s not broken, don’t fix it”. If you already have a program that works for you and you’re not in need of something else, walk away.

#4 Make use of free trials

If you’re really thinking about using a program, then give it a go! There’s nothing wrong with trialling a program… but just make sure you use it! Carefully choose when you sign up to a platform so that you have the time to utilise it during the free-trial period. If it’s not for you, unsubscribe before the trial ends!

Final Thoughts

If you don’t trust yourself not to sign up to anything and everything, consider hiring someone to look after that side of things for you! A trusted VA may have tools they already use, and can help point you in the right direction when it comes to apps and programs to assist you in business. Contact me today to discuss options to suit you!