
If you’ve been in business for a while, you’ll know that running all the ins and outs takes a huge amount of time and organisation. Enter Dubsado! This CRM tool is ideal for service-based businesses, it does so much more than I first imagined and has been a real game-changer in not only my business but in my client’s businesses as well.

What is Dubsado?

Dubsado is a business management tool designed to help you stay on top of managing your business. First and foremost, it’s a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) tool, however, it can also help you create contracts and invoices, schedule appointments, and automate all the boring parts of your business.

My Favourite Dubsado Features

Basically, I love Dubsado because it’s a huge time-saver! Some of the ways Dubsado can help you save time and stay organised are:


Lead Capture & Onboarding

Dubsado does all your on-boarding for you, with pre-determined protocols put in place depending on your preferences. Basically, once you’ve set up all your initial onboarding steps, you never have to think about it again. Dubsado will also analyse where your leads are coming from so that you can focus your time there, or opt to push marketing in other avenues.


Client Portal

We all have that client that misplaces their invoice or wants a complete blow-by-blow of their history with you. Dubsado’s password-protected client portals make this a breeze, giving your clients full access to all their invoices, contracts, emails and due dates at the click of a button.


Document & Email Management

Create, send and sign important documents, all from within Dubsado. You can create a range of documents within Dubsado from contracts and invoices to forms, questionnaires, proposals and more. You can also create canned emails so that you don’t have to type a new email up every time you need to send something off.


Customisation & Email Integration

Dubsado is fully customisable, utilising your logo, colours and branding on every document and email sent out. It also links in to your business email account, so all emails are sent from the one address.



All your accounting in one place, with options to set goals, generate profit and loss reports, view invoices and more. Dubsado also connects to Stripe, Square and Paypal so you can easily be paid online.


Workflow Automation

Dubsado lets you set up automated workflows for certain business aspects, such as onboarding and invoicing so that you don’t have to think about it. Just ‘set and forget’ – Dubsado will do all the work for you!


Time Tracker

If you offer services charged per hour, or you’re just interested in knowing how long certain tasks are taking, you’ll love Dubsado’s time tracker. It’ll help you track your time down to the second and even has an option to automatically apply an hourly rate to attach to your client’s invoice.

What’s the cost?

The great thing about Dubsado is that they offer a no lock-in trial that is based off clients rather than time. Instead of a ’30 day trial’ or the like, you can use Dubsado for free until you have three clients or leads, and the best part is there is no paid-only content – you can access it all and make sure it works for you! After your trial, the rate for Dubsado is $35 USD/month or $350 USD/year (about $50 AUD/month or $500 AUD/year) which with all the time it saves me over the year is so worth it!

So what are you waiting for? Contact me today to help you get setup with Dubsado.  Together we’ll make running your business a breeze, giving you more time to focus on the parts of business you love.