
Service-based business owners and course creators often ask me whether they should use Kajabi or ThriveCart to host their courses online. It’s an important decision, because you need a platform that is pleasing, simple to use and optimised to make those all-important sales. The right platform can help you to scale your business and elevate your client experience

While Kajabi offers an all-in-one solution with comprehensive features, ThriveCart stands out thanks to its affordability and clean, user-friendly interface. 

So, let’s delve into the pros and cons of both platforms, to help you make an informed decision that aligns with your goals and needs.

Kajabi: The all-in-one solution

Kajabi has built a reputation for being an all–in-one platform that offers a wide range of features. Kajabi can simplify the process of hosting courses, communities, events, podcasts, email marketing, digital products and automation. Its comprehensive suite of tools allows you to create engaging content and seamlessly deliver your courses, emails and more.

One of Kajabi’s major advantages is its ability to integrate different components into one cohesive system, eliminating the need for multiple software subscriptions. Additionally, the platform provides a wide range of templates and customisation options, allowing you to create a branded and unique online presence.

A key drawback of Kajabi is its cost. The platform is expensive when compared with some of the alternatives. 

Additionally, Kajabi’s email marketing tools are not as powerful or robust as specialised email marketing platforms like ActiveCampaign. So, if email marketing is a crucial aspect of your marketing strategy, you may find Kajabi limited in this area.

ThriveCart: Affordable and user-friendly

In comparing these two platforms, ThriveCart stands out as an intuitive and affordable alternative to Kajabi. 

While you may know ThriveCart as a shopping cart solution, they have recently released ThriveCart Learn. Learn allows you to create and sell online courses from within the shopping cart platform, without needing to add any third-party integrations! Even better, Learn is included for free with the ThriveCart one-time fee. 

Thanks to this one-time fee for lifetime access, ThriveCart may be a more cost-effective solution for your business budget. 

The platform is loved for its simple and user-friendly design, making it easy to set up and customise to suit your course and your clients. 

ThriveCart also offers multiple payment options for clients, adding convenience and enhancing your client experience. 

Add to this ThriveCart’s affiliate options, which enable you to add affiliate marketing strategies to drive sales and increase brand exposure, and it’s easy to see how ThriveCart works hard for your business.  

I do want to highlight that, as with Kajabi, there are some limitations with ThriveCart. While the upfront cost is appealing, the price point may still be higher than expected for some service-based business budgets. 

Additionally, the options for customisation and the choice of templates are somewhat limited when compared with other platforms. This may impact your ability to create a consistently branded experience. 

Finally, ThriveCart doesn’t offer live chat or phone support, which may be a drawback if you value access to immediate help. 

Choosing the right platform for your online course

Kajabi ThriveCart
  • An all-in-one platform 
  • Clean interface that is easy for members to navigate
  • Host courses, communities, events, podcasts, email marketing, digital products and automation.
  • One-off fee for life
  • User-friendly interface that is beginner-friendly
  • Multiple payment options for clients
  • Tax calculations included during purchase process
  • Affiliate options.
  • Expensive
  • Tax is not calculated during purchase process 
  • Basic email marketing that is not nearly as powerful or robust as alternatives such as ActiveCampaign.
  • High upfront cost
  • Limited customisation and templates
  • No live chat or phone support.

When deciding between Kajabi and ThriveCart Learn, consider the specific needs and goals of your business.

If you require a comprehensive suite of features and have the budget to invest in an all-in-one solution, Kajabi may suit you best. It offers a clean interface, and the ability to host courses, events, communities and more. However, keep in mind that Kajabi’s email marketing capabilities are not as comprehensive as those you can find with a dedicated email marketing platform.

On the other hand, if affordability and simplicity are priorities for you, ThriveCart can be an excellent option. With its one-time fee and simple interface, it provides a cost-effective solution for many service-based business owners. On top of this, their affiliate options and multiple payment gateways can enhance your revenue streams and boost convenience for your clients. 

Ultimately, the decision comes down to balancing your business needs, budget and desired level of customisation.

Get professional support with your course creation

Regardless of the platform you choose, sometimes the time and energy required to navigate new software just isn’t realistic for you as a busy business owner.

That’s where an online business systems expert can help. They work with you to set up your business processes, emails, courses and more, within your platforms of choice – making sure everything is running smoothly, while you focus on delivering quality services to your clients.

If you are curious about how Kajabi or ThriveCart Learn can work for you in your service-based business, book a Clarity Call with me, and let’s discuss how they could work to streamline your business and elevate your client experience.

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