
Have you ever wished you had a business partner without actually sharing your business? 

If it’s time to take those 1000 tasks off your list, delegating them to the right person can transform your business and save your sanity. As you start exploring who to outsource business support to, you’ll probably come across different roles like Online Business Managers (OBM) and Virtual Assistants (VA). 

So, who is best placed to support your service-based business and how can they help to create more ease and simplicity in your life?

What is an Online Business Manager (OBM)?

An OBM is like a high-level virtual assistant who can manage many aspects of your business including operations, projects, people and metrics.

For example, in my role as an OBM, I don’t just complete set tasks. Instead, I work with you in partnership in your business. Together, we take a look at the broader business strategy and break this big-picture view down into actionable steps.

If your big-picture vision is to create a course in 2024, an OBM can help you to identify whether you have the capacity to create the course content and, if not, what support would give you the space you need to do so (e.g. automation, outsourcing, etc.).

In addition to looking at the big picture vision, an Online Business Manager will also want to unpack what is happening in your business right now:

  • Are you relaxed in your business or do you feel stressed and overwhelmed? 
  • Do you have the opportunity to spend time planning for your business, or are you constantly just doing everything in the business? 

By looking at the day-to-day operations and the long-term goals of your business, an OBM can help you to get a holistic view of what’s really happening in your business. From this, they can support you to create efficiencies that streamline your business. 

There are various ways that streamlining happens including with automation, outsourcing and putting in place Standard Operating Procedures, so everyone knows what their role is and what they have to do to get their job done to the standards of the business.

As your dedicated Online Business Manager (OBM), I offer a range of services tailored to your specific needs

  • Strategy: I’ll work closely with you to craft a clear and actionable strategy to achieve your big-picture goals.
  • System Implementation: Let me streamline your operations and put efficient systems in place that save you time and reduce stress.
  • Course Builds: Whether you’re launching a new course or optimising an existing one, I’ve got you covered.
  • Website Updates/Building: Let me handle all your website needs, so you can focus on what truly matters.
  • Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs): I’ll create detailed SOPs to keep your business running smoothly.
  • Automation: Save time and resources by automating repetitive tasks, letting you work smarter, not harder.

Who do OBMs work with?

OBMs work with a variety of businesses at different stages. 

For example, as an OBM who specialises in working with service-based businesses, I support many online creators who want to move to the next level and scale their business without the overwhelm.

Who do OBMs work with?

OBMs work with a variety of businesses at different stages. 

For example, as an OBM who specialises in working with service-based businesses, I support many online creators who want to move to the next level and scale their business without the overwhelm.

What is the difference between an OBM and a VA?

While an OBM operates a bit like a high-level VA, they do have quite different roles.

A Virtual Assistant (VA) provides administrative support to a business. VAs can take care of tasks such as emailing and corresponding with clients, calendar management, some digital marketing tasks, and preparing reports. 

An Online Business Manager works closely with the business owner to create custom strategies for their business. With skills in planning and implementation, an OBM works with you to ensure that your business is running efficiently and that decisions are made strategically, in line with your broader business goals. 

Ways to know when you are ready for an OBM in your business

You know you are ready to work with an OBM when:

  1. You are ready to embrace your role as CEO in your business
  2. You are tired of managing the day-to-day operations
  3. You want to reduce the mental load
  4. You want to achieve those big-picture goals and someone to keep you on track

Are you ready to scale your business?

Want to increase your productivity, simplify and streamline your business without working all the hours?

I hear you and I am here to help…

Schedule a free Clarity Call with me and let’s chat about streamlining and simplifying things so you can spend more time in your revenue-generating-zone.

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